The Farsight Institute of Scientific Remote Viewing

  1. Anomalous Cognition Program (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

  2. Cognitive Sciences Laboratory (Palo Alto, CA; Edwin C. May, Ph.D.; STARGATE related material)

  3. Communion Home Page (Whitley Strieber's Web page)

  4. Consciousness Research Laboratory (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

  5. Controlled Remote Viewing (Lyn Buchanan's Web page. Lots of historical information of the military's involvement with remote viewing.)

  6. The Internet Science Education Project (San Francisco)

  7. Koestler Parapsychology Unit (The University of Edinburgh)

  8. The Monroe Institute

  9. PEAR LAB (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, Princeton University)

  10. Society for Psychical Research (London)

  11. The Webmaster Who Maintains This Site (Prudence Calabrese of Netamorphix, Atlanta, GA)

FARSIGHTTM, SCIENTIFIC REMOTE VIEWINGTM, SRVTM and the FARSIGHT PROTOCOLSTM are trademarks of The Farsight Institute, Copyright 1995 by Farsight, Inc.

The Farsight Institute copyright 1996.

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